is extremely proud of our IGCSE Class of 2020 for achieving the best results our school has ever seen.
A record-breaking 58.6% of the 2020 cohort achieved A* marks, 82.7% achieved A*-A, and 99.1% achieved A*-C.
This is a testament to the quality of teaching and learning we were able to provide throughout all phases of last year, despite a challenging year of lockdowns, home-based, on-site, and blended learning.
High School Principal Mrs Roisin Paul said: “Our IGCSE Class of 2020 students have put their heart and soul into their studies and made sure that COVID-19 did not impact their future ambitions. We are so proud of them. They are very special and talented young people, whom I know will go on to have a huge, positive impact in the world.”
Congratulations IGCSE Class of 2020!